April 16, 2024

9:30am @ Dogeared Coffee Company, Clemmons, NC

7:00pm @ Incendiary Brewing, Downtown Winston-Salem, NC

Reading & Discussing: The School for Good Mothers by Jessamine Chan

Please come having read (or you know, mostly read) our book pick of the month.

Our discussion will center on what we’ve read, what we learned, how it felt and how it applies to our lives as parents and as people.

Our next book club reads:

January 9: When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill

February 13: Momfluenced by Sara Petersen

March 12: More: Life on the Edge of Adventure and Motherhood by Majka Burhardt

April 16: School for Good Mothers by Jessamine Chan

Make sure to mention bedtime book club when checking out in-store or use code 20BEDTIME online at Bookmarks to save 20% off your book club purchases.  Contact Keri at keri@ksgcounseling.com with questions!